Welcome 2nd Grade!!

No more sleeping late for us! It's back to school time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a Day

Wow. What a day Tuesday has been. Frankly, I really don't have the words to express what I've been feeling.

It was just that big.

Clearly, T has picked up some cues from the crowds yesterday, and now enjoys waving her flag whenever she sees Obama on TV. In fact, she's waved it so much that its now broken.

In addition to the excitement, what a relief today has been. I've posted in the past about my opinion on how the previous administration has bastardized and belittled the sacred oath that all public servants take...to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

For 20 years, myself and my coworkers have lived our lives by that oath. Despite the fact that we are only local or state government, the oath is the same. It's important. It means something. As part of the Executive branch of government, its our job to enforce the laws and apply the concepts of both the Federal and State Constitutions, thereby protecting and defending those documents...no matter the results. We've all let go some very dangerous people, because the Constitution so required. We've all had to make sometimes very difficult decisions and explain ourselves to victims who are understandably heartbroken by our decisions. But we do it. We swore to. Its our honor and duty. We have no choice.

Therefore, the words that resonated with me most from President Obama's Inaugural address, were the following:

As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake.

Amen, my friend. Amen.

Once more it seems that the brilliance of that important document has triumphed and I'm proud to say that it appears that our Commander in Chief, a constitutional lawyer and professor by trade, understands the importance of that simple oath that he took, despite its being botched by the chief judge of the Supreme Court.

Our Constitution has prevailed and is reigning supreme once again...proving that the concepts upon which our country rests, are bigger than man, even if the men in question are the Prez and Veep. It was a close call, though.

I busy breathing a very welcome sign of relief.

3 Brilliant Comment(s) from Friends:

chart said...

Well said.

Laura said...

I feel so upbeat and optimistic today! The magic hasn't worn off for me and seems to be lasting for the rest of the country as well.

Thank you President Obama! (And Michelle, Malia and Sasha as well!)

Laura said...

You know in looking at his inaugural address again and pondering the last 8 years, I really love the points you (and he) made. I work with children and as a social worker, me, the District Attorney's office and the judges have to respect parental rights no matter how much we want a child to have permanency and what we might perceive as a "better life" in a foster home. The law is the law. I don't get to make it up as I go along. It's a little strange to see things written about how somehow those of us that question what we see as Bush's compromising and abusing the Constitution, like he's being picked on or treated unfairly somehow. Reality check - the presidency is not for the faint of heart. And we have the honor of living in a free country where debate should be welcome.

A marvelous plan was made in the stars,
to create a miracle across the ocean so far....
Then entwine and weave all the hopes and labor,
it would take to bring us this joy called "Taylor"....
Now three lives are blessed and somewhere in the stars,
the planners are smiling, as we all are.

Taylor's Gal Pals

How Long We've Been a Family: