Let's see, what were we up to this weekend?
*The big news as you can see from the photos, is that T has graduated from a car seat to a real booster-style seat. She finally hit 38 inches and is loving her new, big-girl seat. She especially likes that it has double cupholders!
*We did lots of errands and planted 3 little impatien plants....2 in pots and one in the ground, to see which grows best. T is in charge of watering them.
*I'm busy organizing a handyman to do some work at my parents house and in one of their rental properties. We spent lots of time in home depot.*Dot and I now sport a Nemo key on our keychains. I got some extra keys made fro my house, and let T choose the theme. Frankly, I'm shocked that she chose nemo over the princesses, but there you have it. For those not in the know, they actually make keys in different themes. Good thing about it all is that I'm never confused as to which key goes to my front door!
*T finally fits into the little skirt you see. It was a gift from my baby shower from my friend Robyn. We've been waiting 3 years for it to fit!
*Gymnastics class has asked if I'd be interested in T being tested for a special class, that eventually trains for their competition teams when they're older. For now, I figure it will be OK, as she really isn't that challenged in her present class. Bonus is that the cost is the same, so we'll try it out. As long as she's having fun, she can continue.
*My mom actually allowed Karen, the healthcare worker to stay and went for a ride with her. I was certain that they'd send her away as soon as I returned to work on Thursday. She seems open to the fact that Karen will be back on Tuesday, but I suspect that she's still driving. I'm taking her to the doc on thursday, perhaps she can convince her not to drive.
*On Sunday we went out to dinner at an open-aired mall, and sat outside. It was pretty deserted, and T had a ball running all around the outside bar area, which had all the outside furniture you see depicted.
*I love daylight savings time, but its killing me! I've mentioned before that T usually goes to bed between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. (she naps for 2 hours at school). Well, last night it was after midnight. I've been dragging all day. She, on the other hand, seems just fine. Kids.
4 Brilliant Comment(s) from Friends:
OMG on the bedtime - I would never make it...K is asleep by 7:30 (me much later) If she misses the window between 7:15 and 7:30 -then she is up for hours...note to self - don't miss the window!
Congrats to the big girl seat. I bought one to take to China..as it comes apart to pack - I am way to paranoid to go without..and we will be on the road alot - not just around town driving...
Hope all else is well!
I can't believe this kid is "growing up" but with pleated skirts and sassy poses she'll probably be the pre-k cheerleader. Seems only yesterday it was "home from China". xox
Wow! When did she grow up?
She looks like all arms and legs in these pics. She's the tallest shrimp I've ever seen.
Con-Con, you are right. Where she got these sassy poses noone knows. She's personality plus.
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