Its been a bit of Party-Central over here. Last night, we went out to a welcome home party for little Tessa, who is 6 yrs old and just home from China. Lots of little kids there, to T had fun, but it was an adult party too. With the exception of the office christmas parties, I don't think I've been to a real, adult party in about 3.5 years. Real, glass plates and everything...that should tell you something. There were about 50 people there, and I actually had a few adult conversations with people I work with and see on a daily basis.
These pics are from Zack's 10th birthday party. That was Sunday. T had a ball on the water slide, playing with all the big boys. You'll note that if you look closely, she comes up to about their bellybuttons.
No problems...despite their height T still took aim at them with the water cannon, and attempted to blast them from here to kingdom come.
That's my girl.Shortly thereafter, the slide suffered technical difficulties, and started spontaneously deflating. All the kids migrated to the worst nightmare. Since T's swimming skills are not that good, I feel I have to stay close. Problem was, there was not one bit of shade around the is was a scorching 97 degrees before factoring in the humidity. Oy! I went out to the car and got one of my black rain umbrellas, like the little old ladies you see walking down the street during the day, so that I could have some shade. No one has ever prayed for rain more then me. Alas, my prayers were answered. T decided she had had enough, and wanted to go inside.
After singing the song and eating the cake, we came home. T was zonked. Lets hope she sleeps well tonight!
Meanwhile, I've added the video below, if you want to see a little sheer religious cuteness. Also, in answer to inquiring minds, soap and water did indeed get all the magic marker out...from everywhere. As Ceci said, thank god they weren't sharpies!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Party Central and a Big Mistake
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A marvelous plan was made in the stars,
to create a miracle across the ocean so far....
Then entwine and weave all the hopes and labor,
it would take to bring us this joy called "Taylor"....
Now three lives are blessed and somewhere in the stars,
the planners are smiling, as we all are.
to create a miracle across the ocean so far....
Then entwine and weave all the hopes and labor,
it would take to bring us this joy called "Taylor"....
Now three lives are blessed and somewhere in the stars,
the planners are smiling, as we all are.
1 Brilliant Comment(s) from Friends:
I love your little girl.
being a single parent is not always easy. I am single parent too.
If you like you can join the bizymoms Pembroke-pines community.
There is a lot of help and useful stuff shared within the community.
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