Welcome 2nd Grade!!

No more sleeping late for us! It's back to school time!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Miss My Baby!

Just sayin'....

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2 Brilliant Comment(s) from Friends:

Aunt Connie said...

6 years - Where does the time go when you're having fun? Seems like it was yesterday T was wrapped in a baby blanket. xxooxx

Alice said...

And in a few years you'll look back at her kindergarten graduation pic....and say ...I miss my baby! They grow up too quickly, so enjoy it all! And keep laughing!

A marvelous plan was made in the stars,
to create a miracle across the ocean so far....
Then entwine and weave all the hopes and labor,
it would take to bring us this joy called "Taylor"....
Now three lives are blessed and somewhere in the stars,
the planners are smiling, as we all are.

Taylor's Gal Pals

How Long We've Been a Family: