Welcome 2nd Grade!!

No more sleeping late for us! It's back to school time!

Monday, June 13, 2011

First Day of Camp 2011

Today was T's first day of summer camp, and from all reports she thoroughly enjoyed herself. Apparently , she had lots of fun "freeze dancing". I'm told that is when you dance and dance, and then freeze when the music abruptly stops mid-song. She also played on the playground and did artwork.

Who's big idea was it that only kids get to go to summer camp? That bites! I could sure use a couple months of summer camp myself! Unfortunately, the only adult summer camp I know of is called the Federal Pen. Why do kids and criminals get to have all the fun?

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3 Brilliant Comment(s) from Friends:

Aunt Connie said...

I never thought of it just that way but I'll think about it. xox

Brownie Troop 157 said...

Minimum security, of course 

Laura said...

Do you get to "freeze dance" in jail? Sara just started a dance class through the rec center and they ended the class with freeze dancing. Apparently its well known in the elementary age crowd.
Summer camp started today for her too. Came home with a t-shirt and backpack, plus endless stories. I'm jealous.

A marvelous plan was made in the stars,
to create a miracle across the ocean so far....
Then entwine and weave all the hopes and labor,
it would take to bring us this joy called "Taylor"....
Now three lives are blessed and somewhere in the stars,
the planners are smiling, as we all are.

Taylor's Gal Pals

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